Monday, July 16, 2007

Happy #2, Jake!

For Jake's birthday we had a BBQ. He didn't realize it was any special day but he liked looking at the cake and peeking in the gift bags.


Tracie said...

I wish I could have been there. :( It looks like you all had a good time.

Anonymous said...

Yippee--a new computer! That was some yummy barbecue!! Darren and Dad should win a prize.

Delene said...

Looks like Ethan is having fun blowing out the candles and sneaking a peak in the bags! Wish we were there, too.

Rose said...

Always a party at the Clarks. Happy Birthday, Jake. You are now in the terrible twos and you can be a tornado all you want.

Anonymous said...

Happy B-day Jake or should I say Mr. T.

Mary Ann said...

I saw a shirt at wal-mart tonight that I was going to buy. it was bright red and said "warning: next tantrum in :05" I laughed