Wednesday, December 12, 2007


This is what I found when I got out of the shower today:


Mary Ann said...

well when that kid wants something apparently there is no stopping him!!!

Delene said...

Resourseful kid! You've got a Mary Ann in the boy gender!

Tracie said...

Ha ha Rose! I was thinking the same thing! That's funny! I can't tell what he's eating though.

Rose said...

I haven't commented yet, Tracie. But I was thinking how very smart he is.

Susan said...

I don't know what Tracie was thinking. Darren said I need more explanation for this so here it is: Tuesday night Darren brought home KFC because I had a gum implant earlier in the day and was afraid to eat anything besides soup. They didn't want to eat soup with me. Along with the KFC meal he got was a small chocolate cake. Wedensday morning when I was in the shower, Jake pulled his empty toy container up to the counter so he could reach the cake. He then took the whole half of the cake that was left and brought it to the table. He even put it on a plate that was left there from breakfast. I think it was Kevin's empty toast plate so it didn't have anything disgusting on it. Anyway, that's how I found him.

Rose said...

He's smarter than I thought. He even got it off the counter. What's a gum implant?

Susan said...

Because of the strain of the braces, my gums had receded too much on one tooth. So I had to go to a periodontist and he took tissue from the roof of my mouth and grafted it into my gums. It sounds worse than it was. It wasn't any worse than getting a cavity filled.

Tracie said...

I meant to say ha ha mom! I thought the same thing. oops!! He even has good manners...gets a separate plate for his food.