Thursday, May 15, 2008

Popcorn Popping on the Apricot Tree

Spring has finally come to Rexburg.

I also have to add my experience I had this morning. Last week I saw advertised in the newspaper that there would be swimming lessons put on by the city this summer. Now that might not sound all that cool to some of you but to people in Rexburg it is a cool thing. We don't have a city pool and the fitness center that used to offer swimming lessons sold out to a security company a couple of years ago. The college has offered some lessons in the past but that building is under construction so they haven't been offered there, either. So anyone who wanted swimming lessons had to go to another city to get them. This year the city contracted with the security company to use their pool for lessons. Sign ups were today from 9 - 5, Friday evening and Saturday morning. I told Darren I was going to get our kids signed up right at 9 on Thursday morning so I could get first pick of the times and be sure my kids got a spot. Unfortunately, I wasn't the only one thinking that way. I guess people started lining up way before 9 am so when I got there at 9:20 am there were probably over 100 people ahead of me. And most of them weren't just signing up one kid, either. We waited for two hours and there were still a lot of people ahead of us. I had to keep bribing Ethan and Jacob with McDonald's so they would be patient. (And they were pretty good.) Finally the mayor and a couple of other city workers decided to make up a form we could fill out and just leave. They kept the forms in the order we were in line so it was like our paper was taking our place in line. If they hadn't have done that we would have been in line for probably 1 1/2- 2 more hours. I'm not sure if my kids will get in. I hope it was worth the wait. But I guess we'll see. Hopefully this emphasized to the city how much we really do need and want a city pool. And we did have lunch at McDonald's.


Tracie said...

Wow! That is quite exciting! Why didn't they spend the money they spent on the water park on a new pool!??

Rose said...

That's crazy. I signed my kids up this year with a girl just down the street. They have a pool in their back yard and they do private lessons.

Becca Queen of Chaos said...

WOW - that is how the good preschools are here - NUTS!!!

Carl and Pat said...

What we don't do for our kids...good for you for being diligent!

Delene said...

Maybe you'll have to come to Utah for swimming lessons!